Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Programming Club: Fill-in the missing code

a) Download the projects here from my google drive.
b) Choose a game you would like to work on.
c) Run the complete solution in cmd without looking at the code.
d) Choose a version of the problem you would like to do:
Option 1 "Easy":
- Certain parts of the code are cut out with instructions provided.  Your task is to fill out those missing pieces of code.  The challenge is not too difficult.

Option 2 "Hard":
- Certain parts of the code are cut out with instructions provided.  Your task is to fill out those missing pieces of code.  The challenge is quite difficult.

Option 3 "Bug":
- There are 2 or 3 bugs in the code.  Your task is to locate and fix these bugs.

Option 4: Start from scratch
Implement the game your own way that does the same thing as the sample program.
It's ok if the display or wording is slightly different

e) After you have decided which version to tackle, open up the .py file in that folder and read the existing code first.  Figure out what the existing code does before you start editing.  Reading other people's code is an important skill.  (Therefore writing code that is easy for other's to read is equally important)

f) After you have completed the tasks.  You may choose to tackle a different option, or work on extensions, or go back to step b).

List of available game project
1. Nim Single Heap
In this game, there is a stack of 100 objects.  Two players take turns removing 1 - 10 objects from the stack.  Whoever cannot remove any more objects (i.e. no objects left) loses the game.


~100 lines

Extension Ideas:
a) Implement a "restart" option at the end of the game.
b) Implement an AI that makes random choices.
c) Change the available choices of objects to remove. E.g. instead of 1-10, do odd numbers between 1 - 10. (Does that change the strategy?)
d) Implement the game with two heaps.
- Start with two stacks of 100 objects
- Each player must choose a stack, then remove 1-10 objects from that stack
e) Make it so that names of players can be customized.
f) Improve the user interface.

2. Kopek Game

This is a turn-based game with the following rules:
- The game starts off with a collection of 25 coins, worth 1 - 25 kopeks respectively (so, not just the coins in the picture above).
- Each move, the player with more kopeks chooses a coin, and the other player decides who may take the coin.
- In the case that both players have the same amount of kopeks, the player who chose the coin in the last turn chooses again.
- After all the coins have been taken, the player with more kopeks wins.

- Player 1 will start off the game by choosing the coin, with Player 2 choosing who gets it.


~125 lines

Extension Ideas:
a) Implement a "restart" option at the end of the game.
b) Implement an AI that makes random choices.
c) Improve the user interface.

3. Connect Four
"Connect Four is a two-player connection game in which the players first choose a color and then take turns dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid. The pieces fall straight down, occupying the next available space within the column. The objective of the game is to be the first to form a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of four of one's own discs." -- Connect Four Wikipedia


~125 lines

Extension Ideas:
a) Change the dimensions of the board.
b) Implement a "restart" option at the end of the game.
c) Implement an AI that makes random choices.
d) Make it so that the program can identify a winning state (i.e. detects 4 in a row) and stops the game.
e) Implement an option that changes the direction of gravity (changing direction of gravity will cost a turn)
f) Make it so that names of players can be customized.
g) Improve the user interface.

4. Sliding Blocks Game (15 puzzle)

The 15-puzzle is a sliding puzzle that consists of a frame of numbered square tiles in random order with one tile missing.  The object of the puzzle is to place the tiles in order (see diagram) by making sliding moves that use the empty space.


~150 lines

a) Change the dimensions of the board.
b) Implement a "restart" option at the end of the game.
c) Implement a counter that tracks the number of moves.
d) Improve the user interface.

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